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Showing posts with the label Music Theory

Music as Will

The concept of mimesis allows us to access the deepest nature of music, especially when we compose it with the concept of "Will." I am going to approach this concept from the point of view of Schopenhauer, as the best and probably the first Western representative of Advaita Vedanta, the knowledge of non-duality. Musical mimesis occupies a key place in Schopenhauer's philosophical system. From the analogy of music with the other arts - says Schopenhauer - we can infer that music must be in relation to the world as the representation to the thing represented 1 . Its imitative reference to the world must be very deep, infinitely true, and really surprising, because it is instantly understood by the whole world, and presents a certain infallibility by the fact that its form can be reduced to fairly definite rules expressible in numbers, out of which cannot move away without ceasing to be completely music 2 . In this passage our attention is first drawn to t