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Semantics and provability

Hypothesis 1: False formulas are unprovable. Hypothesis 2: Formula A is unprovable. 3. If A is false then A is not-unprovable. 4. Then, by modus tollens H2 and 3.: A is true. 5. Ergo, when A is true it is unprovable. We cannot define provability in semantical terms. The concept of provability has only syntactical meaning, therefore is useless for life.

Bibliografía de la Mitopoética ed. 2013

Bibliografía General 1 Adorno, Theodor W., Teoría Estética. Trad. Fernando Riaza. Taurus. Madrid. 1986. Adorno Theodor W. and Horkheimer Max, Dialectic of Enlightment. Verso. London and New York. 1989. Adorno, Theodor W., Quasi una fantasia: Essays on Modern Music.Verso. New York. 1992. Aeschylus, Tragedies and Fragments. Trans. E.H. Plumptre. D.C. Heath. Boston. 1906. Agustín de Hipona, Ciudad de Dios. B.A.C. Madrid 1958. Agustín de Hipona Confesiones, Bruguera. Barcelona. 1984. Alcorta, Candace and Richard Sosis, Signals and Rituals of Human and Animals. Department of Anthropology. University of Connecticut. Web. Alfonso X, el Sabio, Antología. (ed.)Antonio G. Solalinde. Espasa-Calpe. Madrid. 1984. Allan, Sara, Myth, Art and Cosmos in Early China. State University of New York Press. Albany. 1991. Apolodoro, Biblioteca Mitológica. Alianza Editorial. Madrid. 1993. Aristóteles, The Complete Works of Aristotle. Princeton University. Pr...