What is the
meaning of the Kantian question in the sphere of the Lyrical Citizen? Devoid of
transcendental meaning, we are talking about ethical action under the narrative
of domination of Human Rights. What do I do with my life, today, under the
restraints of a wild system of production which leaves no time for personal
development beyond the social persona which tradition, luck and effort offers
me? In terms of the guilt/debt narrative that we inherited from parents and
state, the answer to Kant is: simply pay your dues, be a slave and die (in that
order, for suicide is an order disruptor). When you live chained to the inertia
of old myths of domination there is no room for the ethical question, in fact,
ethics has to be postponed to a future nowhere land of the blessed, whether supernatural
or super-historico-materialist. For most, the ethical question is answered in
immediate physiological terms of survival, a poor reply, a forgetful
automatism. Grounded on our basic emotions, ethics is their enaryzation, the
complexification of the symbolic realms that constitute our tools for understanding,
managing and acting upon the world. The inconsistency of our ethical codes with
our economic actions (the narrative of dominations at hand, whether Human
Rights in the Western World or the delusions of Universal Laws anywhere else)
is a constant and painful source of schizophrenia that tears apart the very
fabric of the myths we are living by, bringing meaninglessness.
What should
I do with my life, with this limited time that I have for thinking and feeling?
I cannot build my house any longer upon foolish ideas of humanity, upon the
lies and deceiving which are the rational tool of self-interest and self-preservation.
My ideal, my narrative, has to be something else, and something which rends me
in terms with life. I have chosen Aristotle’s idea of life as intelligence, or
better, life-intelligence as a synthetic concept: I call it Zoe. I can inhabit
such a house, I will, a stronghold from which the evanescent myths can be fully
understood, a cosmic summit for the transformation of swan songs into Ewigkeit Canto.
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