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A Torch in the Frontier of the Night

 From the point of view of human psychological transpersonality, we ourselves are the generations of the future. Our human lineage is a continuum of soul expressions of the Dance of the Cosmos. Passing the torch of the Sacred Fire is like making marks on the path so that we can see them and remember them, already being others, in times that today we consider future, but that are part of this same Trikala, this sphere of temporality in which our civilization moves, recreating the meanings of the past and the future. The general mythopoetic process of our humanity walked an ascending line of symbolization that has followed the paths of the Anima Mundi, the King-God, the Universal Law and the Human Law. This last mythopoetic stage has never been fully achieved. We have identified the human with a specific way of thinking that has been declared absolute by ourselves: rationality. First as philosophical rationality and then as technical rationality in which to express the forms of control o
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Antorcha en la Frontera de la Noche

  Desde el punto de vista de la transpersonalidad psicológica humana, nosotros mismos somos las generaciones del futuro. Nuestro linaje humano es un continuo de expresiones anímicas de la Danza del Cosmos. Pasar la antorcha del Fuego Sagrado es como hacer marcas en el camino para que podamos verlas y recordar, ya siendo otros, en tiempos que hoy consideramos futuro, pero que son parte de este mismo Trikala, esta esfera de temporalidad en la que se mueve nuestra civilización, recreadora de los significados del pasado y del futuro. El proceso general mitopoético de nuestra humanidad ha seguido una línea ascendente de simbolización que ha recorrido los caminos del Anima Mundi, el Rey-Dios, la Ley Universal y la Ley Humana. Este último estadio mitopoético no ha sido realizado nunca de manera completa. Hemos identificado el humano con una forma específica de pensar que ha sido declarada absoluta por nosotros mismos: la racionalidad. Primero como racionalidad filosófica y después como racion

Limen et Continuum

  Existence is Encounter. Meeting at the limen. In the limen, the masks disappear, that is, the basic intuitions of identities, such as the identity that I feel and think in relation to the tree that I see in front of me. The identity of the tree is a projection of mine: the unity of my process of perceiving the tree generates a mask in me, the ghost of a limited unity separated from everything else. The simplest form of intuitive understanding of masks and limen is given to us by numbers. Numbers intuitively express the liminal tension that is Existence. A little etymological note. Rythmos in Greek means flow. Arythmos (number) is what does not flow, what remains solidified. Numbers express the liminoid, and flow, rhythm, expresses the liminal. A rhythm becomes liminoid when we can trace patterns in it, that is, when we can construct masks of identities. Mathematics has spoken of flow using the Latin word “continuum”, the continuous. All modern science, since Leibniz an

What do we marry?

  The narrative tradition of India contains true gems of fantastic literature that give rise to the most entertaining ethical and metaphysical speculations. In the collection of stories from the 11th century Katha-Sarit-Sagara ( The Ocean that Contains Streams of Stories ), which collects traditional stories from India, the loquacious ghost of a corpse taken down from a gallows tells the king who took him off the macabre swing a very interesting tragicomic tale. Two friends undertook a pilgrimage to a sacred spa of the goddess Kali, and there they saw a beautiful girl. One of them fell ill with passion, stopped eating and sleeping, and was sure that he would die unless he could have that girl as his wife. His friend contacted her father and explained the situation. The father, hurriedly, went to the girl's parents in order to organize the wedding. Shortly after the hasty marriage, the young couple and her friend left for her parents' house. On the way, they ca

What is Mythopoetics?

  The narrative grew in the process of being told, as myths always do. The Blog has become more labyrinthine over the years. It contains my Mythopoetics book and a few other things. For those who access these texts without knowing anything about Mythopoetics, I am going to post the introduction of the first part, so you can decide if you want to spend your precious time thinking about the identity narratives that we humans have developed over the years. throughout our eventful existence as a species. "Mythological narratives are the only intellectual activity that has been continuously practiced by human beings, a fact that makes them a unique tool for thinking synthetically our evolution as homo-sapiens. In this sense, they are the first valuation settings that humans have made about themselves and their environment, and as such, they have conditioned the ones that have come afterwards, both in form and content. Their communicative function places them at the basis o

An Epistemological Perspective of Individuation

For the ancient Romans, "Terminus" was the god of boundaries, represented as large stones used to divide and delimit fields. Festivals were held, called Terminalia, in which the stones that "generated" human space were sanctified. Our word "term" is the heir of that god, or better, it is that god incorporated into an everyday space, in our Lebenswelt or world of life. A philosophical term, whatever its semantic content, is the conceptual mark that we make by establishing a referential sign, it is the action of determining, of generating a reference in a mental space, a reference with which we make a sign correspond, or if we deal with a physical space, the correspondence with an object, be it a milestone, a stone, or an indicator sign. Since its beginnings, philosophy has used binary semantic terms as thinking tools, something that analytical psychology has also made good use of. One of the longest-running binary semantic terms for psychology

Trabajar con sentido

  Mi abuelo paterno, ciclista amater por la montañas de Ávila, soldado en la Guerra de Marruecos, después mecánico de locomotoras de Renfe y siempre un hombre bueno en el mejor sentido de la palabra, trabajó 12 horas al día toda su vida, librando un domingo de cada dos, hasta que la gangrena le deboró una pierna y tres dedos del pie de la otra. Su salario apenas sirvió para dar de comer a su familia lo que hizo que mi abuela tuviera que regentar una tienda de ultramarinos en la Calle de la Toledana, tienda adjunta a la casa en la que pasé mágicas temporadas de mis vacaciones infantiles, días fabulosos que me reviven con su recuerdo, las horas en las que disfruté de su compañia con la veneración del niño que se siente en presencia de un héroe legendario y amoroso. Estas líneas son en su memoria. Cada generación se yergue sobre los hombres y mujeres de las generaciones previas, sobre hombros de gigantes sin duda alguna, aquellos benignos titanes que nos han permitido tomar aire, mirar al