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A Torch in the Frontier of the Night

 From the point of view of human psychological transpersonality, we ourselves are the generations of the future. Our human lineage is a continuum of soul expressions of the Dance of the Cosmos. Passing the torch of the Sacred Fire is like making marks on the path so that we can see them and remember them, already being others, in times that today we consider future, but that are part of this same Trikala, this sphere of temporality in which our civilization moves, recreating the meanings of the past and the future.

The general mythopoetic process of our humanity walked an ascending line of symbolization that has followed the paths of the Anima Mundi, the King-God, the Universal Law and the Human Law. This last mythopoetic stage has never been fully achieved. We have identified the human with a specific way of thinking that has been declared absolute by ourselves: rationality. First as philosophical rationality and then as technical rationality in which to express the forms of control of Nature. Human Law is today a Law of Technical Rationality, the instrumental reason applied to all areas of life, the simplistic and meticulous engineering and protocol of each social institution, of each individual behavior, of each thought, feeling and volition, the general mechanization of our existence and of the planet, and the extension of this way of understanding Reality to the way things are in the Universe itself.

The Law of Technical Rationality is a Law of Subhumanization. It is accepted and sustained by its anchoring in our most basic emotional and instinctive needs of sustenance and group cohesion, needs that go beyond the human sphere and anchor their roots in animal life.

Computational technology has dragged our thinking in an obsessive repetitive direction of symbolic accumulation. Our common daily thought is shipwrecked in an obsessive and repetitive emotional triviality, applied to the private sphere, but also to politics and the general media show. On a cognitive level, it is a deranged repetition of symbols that revolve around the media itself, already removed from the cycles of life and from contact with natural temporality; these symbols are devoid of meaning outside their short cultural environment. Nature enters human experience as one more empty symbol, and only as a digital image at the service of any egoic display. The excess of this obsessive repetition of empty or castrated symbols generates a form of double nihilism: due to an excess of repetitive materiality, and due to the devastating vanity of the contents. This materiality is virtual at its core, it is a construct of the collective mind, although it is justified in the exuberance (of a lesser order) of a savagely brainless industrial production, which is embodied in chemically synthesized materials that suffocate and poison our lives.

This subhumanization casts a crude spell on all our psychological and physiological deficiencies. It has taken shape in the narratives of empowerment, that is, of the raw Will to Power, which is no longer just the private yard for the madness of political and religious leaders – enlightened by God knows what devil – but a general impulse of a population that feels stronger, bigger, wiser, more capable… However, the super-capacity of these new masses of women and men, with their fleeting flashes of self-satisfaction, does not resolve the root of the lack of meaning in common and individual life, and simply represses with neo-religious fervour any force that is adverse to their path of empowerment, creating psychological monsters that lurk waiting for the moment to come to light and destroy everything with medieval violence.

At the centre of this emptiness there is a truth that gives tragic content to this fair of the global village. Instrumental rationality hides a terrible secret from the masses: the order on which it is based, its foundations, collapsed years ago. It is not a technical collapse: it is a collapse of foundations, of the very structure of logical thought. There is a fundamental disharmony between the syntax of formal human languages ​​and their semantics. There is an insurmountable problem in the foundation of meanings, of semantics, and therefore, in the entire edifice that has been built by science in the last 500 years. Science, and the human mind, have their foundation in something that is not governed by dual thought. Science cannot give knowledge of fundamental human reality, nor of Universal reality, it can only produce its own phantasms. Science cannot give meaning to things either, just as no mental structure based on thinking (such as that expressed in our sciences and our laws) can generate meaning, individual and collective.

Meaning is not only a mental action, it is also a vital action. Moreover, meaning is not only the action of mind and life, but a general action of the Universe.


  1. I believe i understand that science snd rationality does not produce a sense of meaning for us. However I’d like to talk more about what this means “There is a fundamental disharmony between the syntax of formal human languages ​​and their semantics. There is an insurmountable problem in the foundation of meanings, of semantics, and therefore, in the entire edifice that has been built by science in the last 500 years.” Can you expound on this disharmony of syntax and semantics?

    1. Every logical proposition has a syntactic component: rules for constructing formulas, both for isolated formulas and for the composition of such formulas. Basically, it is the determination of those sequences of signs that are considered part of the system and which are not. This determination is made from the system itself, contrasting sequences of signs with the rules of the game.
      Every logical proposition also has a truth value. The truth value of a proposition is its meaning within a system that is foreign to the logical system. The truth or falsehood of “at the center of the galaxy there is a black hole” (statement S) cannot be determined from any formal logic system, but from a theoretical-empirical system of observation and calculation. If we are strict, statement S cannot even be determined from formalized theoretical-empirical systems, because the words that appear in that statement imply an experience outside the field of physics, an experience in the “World of Life” or Lebenswelt.

      While syntax determines closed systems (otherwise it could not function) semantics refers to systems that are no longer even rational, in many cases not even mental.

    2. If we leave aside questions of observation and think in purely logical terms (as in Gödel's theorems) one can also understand syntax-semantic disharmony as the difference between proving a statement within a system, and the truth or falsity of that statement within the system. Proving would be a syntactic process of non-contradiction while the truth or falsity of the statement is introduced by an arbitrary (though then consistently maintained) assignment of the signs 0 and 1 to particular sequences of signs.


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