According to the proposed thesis of continuous rationality, or if you prefer the Life-Intelligence continuum, psychology cannot be a science in the contemporary sense of that word. Basic emotions provide the semantic basis for our U-L-Ü system of knowledge. Formal logic belongs to the Überlebenswelt, while psychology is rooted in the three subsystems, it belongs to the sphere of neurophysiological conditioning (Unterlebenswelt), to that of the world of life (Lebenswelt) and that of a formalized and specialized language on the set of human experience. All science stands on U-L and constitutes Ü. All science is only science (and not only in the contemporary sense for this word) insofar as it uses logic and is limited by it, by the principle of non-contradiction. The principle of contradiction is the result of a "mineral" type of thinking - if the metaphor may be permitted - with object identities not only perfectly defined in recursive terms, but also fixed and immutable. Science produces thoughts of form, concepts badly adapted to the study of the Subject, of the "I". Psychology, like Art, needs active, creative, fluid and versatile thinking. And only from such a thought can the conditions arise for the flow of the presence of wisdom.
Existence is Encounter. Meeting at the limen. In the limen, the masks disappear, that is, the basic intuitions of identities, such as the identity that I feel and think in relation to the tree that I see in front of me. The identity of the tree is a projection of mine: the unity of my process of perceiving the tree generates a mask in me, the ghost of a limited unity separated from everything else. The simplest form of intuitive understanding of masks and limen is given to us by numbers. Numbers intuitively express the liminal tension that is Existence. A little etymological note. Rythmos in Greek means flow. Arythmos (number) is what does not flow, what remains solidified. Numbers express the liminoid, and flow, rhythm, expresses the liminal. A rhythm becomes liminoid when we can trace patterns in it, that is, when we can construct masks of identities. Mathematics has spoken of flow using the Latin word “continuum”, the continuous. All modern science, since Leibni...
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