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Showing posts from June, 2014

La ópera europea y la formación del sujeto moderno

   La culminación musical de la imitación del ideal griego en música durante el Renacimiento se da en la creación de la ópera. Las exigencias de Vincenzo Galilei -y de los demás miembros de la Camerata del Conde Bardi- de simplicidad matemática para la música, como oposición a la complejidad contrapuntística de la música polifónica precedente, pretende, entre otras cosas, ajustar la música a la palabra,  y así fundar un estilo intermedio entre el canto que melismáticamente distorsiona sílabas y el hablar ordinario. Así surge el llamado  stile-representativo  o  stile-recitativo , que se va a convertir en el vehículo para el drama musical nuevo. La intención expresa de reproducir el drama musical clásico está bien documentada, así como la conciencia de que el intento de revitalizarlo era una tarea totalmente nueva [1] , a la que poetas y músicos se lanzaron con el desarrollado sentido de historicidad que recorrió todo el Renacimiento. El punto de partid...

Mímesis y repetición

   Por debajo de todos los conceptos que delimitan el campo de la mímesis -posesión, participación, imitación, variación, expresión, etc.- encontramos de una forma u otra el concepto básico de la repetición. Este concepto ha sido estudiado con detalle por Giles Deleuze, para quien el arte no imita, sino repite, por medio de un poder interno[1]. Una imitación es una copia -argumenta Deleuze- mientras que el arte es simulación, revierte las copias en simulacros[2]. Detrás de esta afirmación hallamos  una clara voluntad de acabar con el concepto mimético de modelo-copia, el modelo básico platónico, y con los modos de pensamiento mimético que ha inspirado. En este sentido está continuando el proyecto nietzscheano de transmutación de los valores de la filosofía occidental. El marco establecido por Platón presenta el escollo teórico de la oposición entre las nociones de la identidad y la diferencia, es decir, se trata de la solución de la dificultad que Schopenhauer destapó...

Una sociedad sin dinero

El dinero  es energía  potencial metafísica , y como tal, es un generador de acciones económicas . En este sentido, es una narración que interpreta los intercambios de energía potencial metafísica en energía económica . Funciona como aglutinante de las acciones económicas  diversas de la ciudad, algo que consigue gracias a su contenido simbólico  puente, gracias al vínculo que establece entre las determinaciones primitivas  y las determinaciones económicas  de la ciudad. A través del mito del dinero, cuantificamos y cualificamos la homeostasis  social valorando el conjunto de nuestras experiencias, reduciendo a la semántica  emocional común las diferentes acciones económicas  y los objetos determinados por ellas, relacionando acciones y objetos a partir de su valor en el conjunto energético del organismo, de manera análoga a cómo operan los protocolos  emocionales . ¿Por qué deshacernos de un mito tan ingenioso que ha permitido una...

Process of Divinization-Mythologization

  We can represent the transformations of the different social personae (Totem Ancestor, Shaman, Sangu, Lugal, Ugula, Ensi , Titan, God, Universal Law, etc.) according to the temporal increase of mythopoetical complexity in the different mythical planes (Plane of the Anima Mundi, Plane of the King-God, Plane of the Universal Law and Plane of the Human Law). This figure is Apendix B of Volume I of Mythopoetics: The Symbolic Construction of Human Identity. 

On the Definition of the Concept of System

It took two hundred years for the concept of system to make its way into a science of its own. Curiously enough, if we compare Condillac’s [1798] definition [1] to that of Ackoff [1973], [2] we observe that the general understanding of the concept as a set of interrelated parts is basically the same, furthermore, if we filter out the different precisions made from a wide scope of ontoepistemological stand points, we might conclude that most definitions of system since Condillac share a common conceptual core that since the 1960’s has been formalized in set theoretic terms as: S ⊂ x {V i | i ∈ I}       [Mesarovic, 1972] Where “x” is a Cartesian product, “I” an index set, and V is a set of V i relations . The concept of system grew before Condillac linked to epistemological intuitions in natural philosophy, as we can see en the works of Galileo [3] and Newton [4] in relation to astronomical order and the unity of that order. In this sense, we...

Sequential time, mathematics and narrative

First Act of Intuitionism . Completely separating mathematics from mathematical language and hence from the phenomena of language described by theoretical logic, recognizing that intuitionistic mathematics is an essentially languageless activity of the mind having its origin in the perception of a move of time. This perception of a move of time may be described as the falling apart of a life moment into two distinct things, one of which gives way to the other, but is retained in memory. If the twoity thus born is divested of all quality, it passes into the empty form of the common substratum of all twoities. And it is this common substratum, this empty form, which is the basic intuition of mathematics . [Brouwer. 2011, 44] If we understand Brouwer’s first act of intuitionism devoid of its mystical overtones, propositions such as a basic mind’s intuition of the passage of time , or the passing of twoities into the empty form of the common substratum of all twoities, his distinctio...

Isomorphisms of Land, Money and Kings

As noticed by Locke and later on by Keynes, one of the values of money, the value of use, given by the rate of interest, has the same nature as land, for land -once is rented- generates an income. Such an isomorphism gave the first modern metaphysical translation of land into money and vice versa. The high liquidity premiums attached in the past to the ownership of land and in modern times to money, show perfectly that the relation is invariantly isomorphic. During liminal times, i.e., economic crisis, the liquidity premium detaches itself from money and goes back to land (or gold). The isomorphism is an old inheritance from the myths of the King-God , the synthetical unity of his four personae, in this case of the Ensi (Landlord) and the Ugula (Merchant). However, Locke’s equivalence, by leaving outside the metaphysical component of economical valuation gave the ius naturale support to colonization which the manifest destiny politics lacked. The isomorphism land-money in relat...

The Four Personae of the Kings

The genesis of monarchies in Ancient Mesopotamia offers a clarifying picture of the different economical and ideological narrative forces which form the social persona of the King-God. The King-God is the synthesis of the Sangu, or spiritual leader, the Lugal, or military leader, the Ensi, or landlord, and the Ugula or great merchant. The Sangu is the evolution of the personae of the Shaman and the priest. It is the mediator with the ancestors and the unknown forces of life. It is the royal persona with higher prestige and the unquestionable figure which controls the basic narratives of life and death, the giver of the referential valuation for social action, a valuation which has its roots in successful economic actions of the past. The persona of the Lugal emerges out of the needs of war. It is an active extension of the Sangu, and only the Sangu can justify and support ideologically his performance. Lugal and Sangu represent also two different ways of ascension to power. Th...


(Link to text in Spanish)     In Ancient Mesopotamia, monarchy was one of the Mes contained in the bronze Tablets of Destiny which the god Marduk wore as a symbol of his power. The Mes included abstract concepts as well as physical objects. Me is lordship, kingship, truth, the shepherd like care of the elite for their masses, the legal language, sexuality, prostitution, art, musical instruments , and several other actions and symbols which somehow function as civilizing tools, the knowledge needed to organize a city. The Mes represent the universal law, or better, the universal law is an induction from the Mes , the way things are on a cosmological scale which includes the order of the city. The unstable homeostasis of social order unveiled the divine pretenses of the King-Gods: both Isis and her divine royal family were exposed. Naked to the eye of the intellect, kings could only maintain their prestige bowing themselves to the law which they were supposed to r...