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If we conceptualize the "I am" we are no longer talking about the "I am", as it is not an object. As it cannot be conceptualized, it cannot be a substance, understood as pure intuition. The "I" points towards unity, but it is not unity. The self is not quantitative, it does not repeat itself. Nor does it admit determinations, since we cannot include an object as part of the subject. However, the "I am" is already a qualification of the "I", the most inherent, although it is also alien to it. The difference between the "I" and the "I am", as Plato understood in the Parmenides, makes multiplicity possible. It is the game between identity and difference that polarizes the Apeiron as a cosmos. In this sense, the "I am" is the light of creation, not visible light, but the light that makes seeing possible, thinking together with the intuition that characterizes life-intelligence in its endless play.
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